
Caramelized Onion, Toasted Almond and Saffron Soup with a Sherry Accent

TCM Element: Metal


  • 1-2 oz. butter

    2-3 onions 

    2-3 oz. sliced almonds that have been toasted and ground 

    1-2 cloves garlic – chopped

    3-4 C vegetable stock 

    Pinch of saffron 

    1-2 Tsp. dry Sherry

Serving size

  • Serves 3-4

Helps Regulate the Lungs and Large Intestine

Onions and almonds work together to strengthen the chest and throat and assist with upper respiratory infections.  It is the onions’ pungent taste that acts to expel pathogens from the body and promote circulation of Qi.

Caramelized onions and toasted almonds give a natural creaminess to the soup (without actually adding cream) and the saffron adds color and unique flavor. Sherry has a natural nuttiness that accents the almonds, while the acidity balances the richness of the soup.  The pungent quality of onions promotes warmth and moves energy in the body outwards and upwards.

Fun fact: Onions are a member of the Lily family. Lilies are among the oldest cultivated plants native to East Asia and have been used in herbal preparations to relieve coughs for centuries.  


Using the butter, caramelize the onions, adding the garlic towards the end.  Add the stock, toasted almonds, saffron, salt and pepper to taste and simmer until soft.  Puree, balance with sherry and adjust seasoning.

Ingredients Chinese Medicine Benefits
Onions Warming and the color white corresponds with the lungs
Almonds Warming and supports strength
Garlic The pungent flavor tonifies the lungs
Saffron Strong pungent flavor that aids in promoting qi and blood circulation

Travis Metzger is a Minneapolis-based chef and co-founder of DAO Labs. An avid health enthusiast, he’s juiced and eaten his way to health, combining his passion for fresh ingredients with flavors that make the palate sing. He combines his training at the New England Culinary Institute with his frequent travels to and throughout Asia to create recipes for The Way and DAO Labs that bridge the culinary aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the western diet and ingredient options. Travis can be reached at [email protected]

Caramelized Onion, Toasted Almond and Saffron Soup with a Sherry Accent