
Juice Of Parsnip, Pear & Lime

TCM Element: Metal


  • 3-4 parsnips 

    2-3 pears 

    1 lime 

Serving size

  • 1-2 glasses, depending on the sizes of the fruits and vegetables.

Helps Fortify the Lungs & Large Intestine

The Metal element corresponds with Autumn months – a time of year when our bodies can respond to the changing seasons with dry, congested lungs and persistent, hacking coughs. Not anymore. 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory and related writings on the Metal Element, the combination of this earthy, yet fruity, juice will help to nourish the lungs and relieve coughs by resolving phlegm build-up. Parsnips are a sweet root vegetable that are high in potassium and fiber. Parsnips also add a nice undertone to the pear and lime.

With a Juicer:

Process each ingredient in a juicer.

Ingredients Chinese Medicine Benefits
Parsnip Warming, supports lung, resolves dampness
Pear Clears heat and mucus
Lime Drives damp conditions, dispels sputum

Travis Metzger is a Minneapolis-based chef and co-founder of DAO Labs. An avid health enthusiast, he’s juiced and eaten his way to health, combining his passion for fresh ingredients with flavors that make the palate sing. He combines his training at the New England Culinary Institute with his frequent travels to and throughout Asia to create recipes for The Way and DAO Labs that bridge the culinary aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine to the western diet and ingredient options. Travis can be reached at [email protected]

Juice Of Parsnip, Pear & Lime